Entire navigable South River Water Trail now designated for recreation


In October of 2024, twenty-seven miles of river, from Honey Creek upstream to Panola Shoals, were approved for recreational use by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. The 13-mile section from Honey Creek downstream to Lake Jackson was upgraded to recreational use in 2021.

This historical feat means that the entire 40-mile navigable length of the river will benefit from higher water quality standards and protections that must be enforced by GA EPD. Backtracking is not allowed!

The achievement is directly due to YOUR recreation on the river and the tenacity of SRWA and our partners as we continue to improve recreational access. For all those who have paddled, volunteered, or checked-in on the river, we cannot commend or thank you enough!


Looking for more in-depth attributes of the navigable South River Water Trail? We recommend downloading the Georgia River Guide mobile app and search South River Water Trail!. Created by Georgia River Network, the app is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.